大家好,2024年12月23日(星期一),高晋君课题组邀请德国马普医学研究所博士后研究员孙德恩博士进行“Chemical Approaches to Decipher Cellular Structure and Activity History Across Scales”的讲座,欢迎大家参加!
嘉 宾:孙德恩博士
嘉宾单位:Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
主 题:Chemical Approaches to Decipher Cellular Structure and Activity History Across Scales
时 间:2024年12月23日(星期一)10:10-11:30
地 点:F东101
Complex molecular and cellular assemblies orchestrate biological functions. Novel chemical and biosensing tools are required for systematically probing their distributions and activities with high spatial-temporal resolution. In this talk, I will first present a super-resolution imaging approach called click-expansion microscopy (click-ExM), which integrates click labeling into ExM, enabling nanoscale imaging of various biomolecules like lipids and glycans using conventional microscopes. By integrating bioorthogonal lanthanide probes, we further extended click-ExM into the NIR II region. With new unnatural sugars, we also achieved click-ExM imaging of sialoglycans in brain slices. I will then introduce a new class of molecular recorders (Kinprola), to record cellular transient kinase activity through chemical labeling for later analyses. Based on split-HaloTag, we designed Kinprola that become rapidly labeled in the presence of both a specific kinase activity and a fluorescent HaloTag substrate. We focused the efforts on protein kinase A (PKA), but also demonstrated Kinprola can be generalized to other kinases. We exploited Kinprola for RNA-Seq analysis of glioblastoma networks, for genome-wide CRISPR screens to discover PKA regulators and for the tracking of drug-induced neuromodulation in freely moving mice. Together, these projects demonstrate how innovations in chemical approaches can decipher cell identities across scales, including molecular distributions, modifications and physiological histories.
孙德恩,博士。2016年本科毕业于武汉大学化学基地班,2021年于北京大学获得化学生物学博士学位。目前在德国马普医学研究所从事博士后研究。主要研究方向为开发新型化学标记成像工具及功能蛋白质探针。部分研究工作以第一作者(含共同第一作者)发表在Nature Methods, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等期刊。博士后期间主持包括洪堡博士后基金在内等两项基金。